
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The new place

I decided to steal some pictures off of Jules' Facebook to show what our new place looks like because I still haven't gotten around to taking pictures.

Front of the 'building' (four condos in one building - the ones on the 'end' are actually in the back as you can see from our far set front door beside our garage.  The ones in the middle are at the front over the garages and are therefore taller)

View of the kitchen from the living room.  Just to the right is a tiny glimpse of the foyer (where the front door, garage door and 1/2 bath is)

View of part of the kitchen and part of the living room...

View of the living room from the kitchen.  To the left of the bookcase is where the stairs to the basement are.

View of the living room from the bottom of the stairs leading to the second level.

The foyer.  The far door is the front door and the near door is to the garage.  To the left is the 1/2 bath and coat closet.  The artwork are paintings of Jules.

The patio :)

The bedroom.  With another of Jules' awesome paintings. :)

Another angle in the bedroom.  A sliding door to the bathroom.  There is a little walk-in closet on the wall behind the camerawoman. :)

And lastly the spare bedroom...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Try #2 is a go this month now that my latest blood test shows the pregnancy hormone is now low enough. We'll get more of our money out of the Clearblue fertility monitor this month because I'm not too sure on my days this time around.

I'm sitting here trying to concentrate on this post but I keep getting distracted by this cheesy disaster movie Jules is watching here in the living room. It's called Collision Earth and what basically happens is the Sun sends out some kind of magnetic surge that hits Mercury (while a manned spaceship is orbiting it, mind you) and it causes Mercury to go out of orbit and head straight for Earth. Jules loves these kinds of movies and we decided they usually feature the following:

1. Luke Perry usually stars in them
2. Astronauts get unrealistically close to the sun
3. The 'last 5 minutes' on Earth lasts about 45 minutes
4. Nobody has power or cell phone service except the hero of the movie
5. Saving the world is the best fixer of marriages and/or estrangement from children
6. The hero usually has an algorithm/plan/project that was previously rejected by everyone working in the applicable science to which the disaster is related to.
7. When driving a vehicle, the hero is unrealistically lucky in avoiding asteroids/fire/explosions/sink holes/lava/downed electrical lines
8. Suspension of disbelief is usually possible for 2/3 of the movie until such time as something small that doesn't even relate to the major plot line causes you to yell something like, "Oh, come ON... Like he'd find an abandoned car with the keys in the ignition on a deserted road." Never mind the fact that Mercury is hurtling toward the Earth so fast it only takes something like two hours...

I'm sure there are more I could write but I think I'm going to go curl up on the couch and finish watching this fine cinematic masterpiece with my girl. :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Not so great Friday

More intense cramping started yesterday afternoon and by this morning I started getting menstrual cramps and bleeding typical of the first day of my period. Oh well...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

15 DPO

Still spotting with mild cramping off and on but after a night of crazy dreams involving pregnancy tests and several trips to the bathroom in the night, I decided to test this morning...

Monday, April 2, 2012

14 DPO and still spotting/cramping but no AF yet. I decided not to test today as we already have a lot going on.

MOVING DAY!!!! Woooohoooo!!!

Jules was wonderful today, directing the movers and starting the process of sorting things out. It is unbelievable how much stuff we had crammed into the storage unit we had rented even AFTER we had pared down a considerable amount.

As you can kind of see from the pic, the kitchen looks like it threw up...