
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Warmer weather, better mood (in theory)...

Today was above zero and the snow was melting like crazy. Of course we have so much snow that it'll take two months to melt it all, but it's a start. Being outside was an absolute pleasure while the sun was up. Fresh air and sunshine... I even had an ice cream cone. I saw girls out in flip flops. That's a little crazy, but in Canada, anything is possible once it starts to warm up. It's so nice to ease away from the cabin fever. I just can't stand staying inside this much anymore!!! I want to walk around, but right now the sidewalks are very icy and I'm accident prone, so I'm not going to risk it yet.

I bought a new shower head (one that has a hose to help rinse the walls/tub) and three new bath towels. I bought the three towels for cheaper than the shower head. I never realized how expensive they could be. I didn't even get a massage feature on mine... it just 'drenches' which is basically all I want in my shower. For a massage feature (but less drenching), it was an extra $10 - $20. Um... no thanks. $39.99 plus tax was enough for me, thank you.

Tonight my girlfriend had plans with co-workers, so I went out with my mother, sister and my sister's friend to see Music & Lyrics at the local theatre. I really enjoyed the movie and might buy it when it comes out on DVD.

Today I'm grateful for:

* My parents for telling me they love me today
* Afternoon naps with my girlfriend as my pillow
* Funny people who make me laugh despite myself
* Daydreams about things I may want in the near future

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