My goodness, what a week...
Between work and my girlfriend, I'm stressed out big time. [Edited]
My girlfriend... that's an even harder issue. We have been fighting and "not communicating well at all" for the past few weeks. Sigh. We're working on it... had a decent talk yesterday which helped. She's away this weekend visiting her family for Easter, so we're in the middle of a five day break from each other. I've been wavering between being totally okay with it to feeling worried and anxious. I'm trying to tell myself that worrying helps NOTHING. Nothing has ever been made better by worrying about it.
That reminds me... I've been all about the self help books lately. I used to make fun of them, but I realize, while standing in the self help aisle of Chapters, that there is actually really helpful lessons and tips for not being/starting to/coping with [enter any kind of problem here]. Dude, sometimes we need help... and usually we try to fix stuff ourselves. Thank goodness for books and the internet! Oh yeah, I picked up a great book about walking programs, etc. Interesting read so far. I love learning stuff and information. I can read any kind of magazine and be interested by the articles. Even stuff that I never see or use or have heard of.
Okay, time to start the weekend. Going to a movie. Not sure which one yet. Maybe that figure skating Blades of Glory I think it's called. A comedy would be great right about now.
Today I'm grateful for:
* My grandfather showing me a cool trick with cutlery, a glass and a toothpick
* My grandmother's cooking
* Still having a ton of tanning minutes
* Feeling confident enough to work my ass off for my relationship with my girlfriend
1 comment:
I know you're not down with Jesus yet. But you know what scripture has a lot of incite even if you just look at it as a book of experiance... if that makes sense.
think about this and seriously you'll feel better just knowing someone's Got your back... ohhhhh yeah!
"Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks, and God's peace which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus"
-Philippians 4:6-7 NIV
Because no matter who you are I'm sure you've prayed to someone at one time in times of need. So just be reassured that someone is listening and they will give you peace in your times of anxiety or stress or depression or suisidleness lol (actually I shouldn't laugh because someone reading this blog right now is probably thinking about killing themselves...[DON"T DO IT!!! you are worth more then you know!!!]...) okay and one more... and this basically keeps me positive I memorized it and I recite it back to myself when things basically slide back-wards and look all negative..
"All things work together for Good! For those who love God, For those who are called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28
now I don't look at this verse as... only Christians will have everything good... OH FAR from it. I believe it means that God wants all Good things for us, just sometimes we botch it up ... or someone else comes around and botches it up.. so in Time God is going to help us straighten things up because "all things work together"
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