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Sunday, April 1, 2007

Weekend of Suckage

This weekend sucked for the most part.

On Friday, I suffered with stomach cramps all day long, trying to shake the food poisoning. I ended up having to come home for three hours in the afternoon to lay down with a heating pad on my stomach for some relief. I was able to finish my shift at work after that, thank goodness.

On Saturday, my girlfriend and I finished a puzzle I had started a week ago and then started a new one. Later on, we went to the second draw of the Men's World Curling championship that is being held here. It was so cool... like being to a hockey game for the first time. The sounds are all different and we could watch four games at once. Much more interesting that way!!! Best of all, our awesome seats were free because my girlfriend's work got tickets for every day of the tournament.

After curling, we went to a house party because one of my girlfriend's teammates didn't want to go alone. We met up with some of my girlfriend's other friends and ended up staying there for an hour or so before going to a bar. I had a lot of fun dancing with the group. My girlfriend hung out with some of our friends at the edge of the dance floor because her knee is still screwed up. I'm not sure she would have danced with us even if she was able to though. She mentioned not liking to dance a few times now. She says she feels like an idiot out there. Who doesn't... but it's about letting go and having fun. Oh well.

Today was wasted on vegging in front of the tv watching movies. I watched The American President which I loved and The Cutting Edge which was okay. Right now I'm watching The Devil Wears Prada for the third time. I still prefer the book to the movie...

I also slammed the tip of my finger in a kitchen drawer tonight. Hurts like a bitch!!! I can still type though, thank goodness. Not sure what I'd do at work tomorrow if I couldn't.

Today I'm grateful for:

* Gravol
* April Fool's Day falling on a non-work day
* Tax Returns
* Upcoming long weekend

1 comment:

ChantyblueEyes said...

pretty sure I love gravol as well