Okay, I feel a tiny bit better than yesterday. I'm sipping on my Tim Horton's coffee, trying to decide what to do for the day. I know I need to go shopping, but that involved actually looking presentable... so that can wait until later because the stores don't open until what, 9 or 10 on a Saturday? I don't know. All I know is that it's going to be freakin' packed where I want to go. Whomever designed that shopping area should be shot to death.
I've lost 10 lbs in the past two weeks. I got back on the 'healthy eating' wagon last week and that's helped.... although I really haven't felt like eating anything anyway.
I don't like how I have to take my work laptop on vacation, meaning I have to leave my personal one at home because it's crazy to haul two around. The next time I purchase a laptop, I swear, the only thing I'm going to be concerned about is the weight. This Dell that I have is so fucking heavy... it's ridiculous. It probably doesn't help that it has a 17" screen... but still...
I'm still reading the book I picked up last week, It's Called A Breakup Because It's Broken... basically it's telling me that I should be moving on far away from her and the relationship we had. Not quite there (read: even close) at this point...
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