
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Hm... I think maybe I should stick to other topics on this blog.

Let's see...

It was very hot outside today. I did not go for a walk but I did a lap at the air conditioned mall instead.
Work went well. I think I may be getting another cost of living increase next month.
My chiropractor noticed my weight loss.
Tomorrow I'm going to the bank to redo my loan.
With the exception of the pepperoni on the pizza I had in Toronto, I haven't had red meat in a very long time.
White corn tastes a zillion times better than yellow corn.
It always seems to be past bedtime.


Stacey said...

You stole our hot weather! It'd cold here. Cold like Alberta.

Yay on the pay increase!!!

Isn't pepperoni made from pork? Like sausage???

Congrats on the weight loss. Maybe when we bring home our new dog(s) I'll get more active again and lose some too. :P

westmaple said...

Pepperoni can be made from pork and beef, I think. It doesn't matter which though because pork is also a red meat. That means I had more than just the pepperoni... I had bacon at brunch that one day, lol.

I hope the increase is at least 3% like last year.

Stacey said...


Pork is NOT red meat. That's where the saying comes from "Pork, it's the other white meat." Meaning chicken.

Another FYI
It's Angele

westmaple said...

Although most people would call it a white meat, the FFA, USDA, and nutritional studies consider it a red meat. The pork industry becan pitching pork as "the other white meat" when it came out that red meat was bad for you.