
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Age Rule

Hm... how does that age rule go again for dating?

Half your age + 7 is the minimum dating age for you... heh.

I wonder what the maximum is? I guess doing the age thing on them and see if you fall before or after the minimum age...

Let's see... 35 divided by 2 is 17.5 + 7 is 24.5.... Oh yeah, I'm well within that.

Just checkin'..


jp said...

Um, that was just far too complicated for my mind to process this early in the morning.

Timmy's this morning? Please?

westmaple said...

Well, it made sense at nearly 1 am this morning...

I'm so frickin' tired, I'm definitely stopping at Timmy's...

Angele said...

Why are you dating again??

Stacey said...

Yeah, are you? I'm gonna say this girl is 35 and you wanna date her. Details please. Or are you afraid that'll jinx it?

Angele said...

I meant to write:
Why? Are you dating again?

westmaple said...

Okay good because I'm sitting here going, "What? Does Angele think I shouldn't be dating??" lol...

And I'm not giving any details yet because I jinxed the last one (see? knew that would happen...) I need to at least meet the person first... then maybe I'll leak a few details. :)