I don't know why the heck I have songs from The Sound Of Music in my head. I haven't seen that movie in years! I think I may have to rent it sometime this week now, so I can get it out of my system. First I'll have to watch Freedom Writers and the first four episodes of the second season of Lost that I rented this afternoon. I watched one episode so far and I realized it was the one episode I watched on TV... and that's what made me decide not to keep watching it, lol. So yeah, I've been told that I won't like the second season but I'll love the third. I guess we'll see about that...
I am freakin' addicted to exercising. Well, not crazy addicted like some of those people in the gym who live for it and look kind of freakish, but I do enjoy it a lot. It's like drinking water... the more you drink, the more you want it. I absolutely love the fact that I can briskly walk 3+ miles without slowing down or stopping or being out of breath. I honestly wonder if I've ever been in this kind of shape in my whole life.
This evening I went for a 5 mile walk (5.21 miles to be exact) in the light rain. It was awesome. Afterwards I stretched, took a shower and then sat in the hot tub for 20 minutes. Now I'm all sleepy and relaxed. : )
Today I'm grateful for:
* Friends
* Fitness
* The Comedy Network
* Girls
* Hot tubs
* My iPod
* Two more mornings of sleeping in
* My chiropractor
* Zone bars at Costco
* My job
* Angel Food Cake...mmmmm....
* Unexpected compliments
* Willpower
* A healthy imagination
* My Philly Jen for finally coming online this week
* My Ohio Jen (aka my American twin) for updating her blog without my even asking her to... holy cow! I'm shocked! ; )
Those Jen's of yours...freakin' awesome!
Great work.
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