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Saturday, August 4, 2007

More progress!

I think it's official...

I am over my ex-girlfriend

Yeah... I'm not sure if that scares me or makes me happy. It was hell for two months but I let myself feel it all... and I think I've received my reward now. I've let go. Actually, I think I did a couple of weeks ago but didn't entirely realize it. Perhaps my new adventures on the personals sites have sped up the recovery time, but really, who cares... the point is, I'm done with it.

My test for this... I looked at pictures this morning. I didn't get sad.

Anyway, I'm missing my TV a lot lately. I feel stupid for wanting to purchase a new TV when there are two other TVs in the house. It's just that none of them are in my bedroom so I can lay in bed watching something before I go to sleep. Of course several studies show that watching TV in the bedroom causes a person to not sleep as well. I have to wonder though, would a person get more sleep if they lay in bed and fall asleep to the TV or if they sit out on the couch watching TV?

It's pouring rain today. It's kind of a nice change. I didn't go golfing, obviously... I went and saw The Bourne Ultimatum instead. I liked it but it didn't answer all of my questions. I really hope they make another one.

My sister is such a loser. She's sitting right beside me on another laptop singing really badly. Maybe I should go tell her everything that happens at the end of HP7... that'll shut her up...heh.

Today I'm grateful for:

* Lazy days
* A new friend
* Things to laugh about/at/with
* Being out to my immediate family
* Julia Stiles looking kick-ass on the big screen

1 comment:

jp said...

That is the best news I have heard in ages!! I'm very, very happy for you!!!! Timmy's on me!