
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Spontaneous meeting!

So, I've had quite the crazy day...

I had company over last night until nearly 1 am and then I got online and replied to an e-mail from this girl I've been e-mailing back and forth with. The e-mail turned into about three pages and I could hardly see straight by the time I was finished composing it at about 2:30 in the morning. I went to bed and had a really lousy sleep until about 8 am when I got out of bed only because I felt like garbage (despite not even drinking the previous night) from staying up so late. I ate breakfast and read the newspaper before deciding that my burning eyes needed more rest. I tried going back to sleep but found I just couldn't get comfortable. I got up once again and paced the house, tried to read, surfed the 'net, soaked in the hot tub outside... finally I was able to lay back down to sleep. I woke up about four hours later and decided that I should probably get out of bed despite wanting to sleep more... so I dragged myself into the bathroom to prepare a bath (I felt too tired to stand in the shower... that's how exhausted I felt). While it was running, I went online to check my e-mail. There was an e-mail from this woman, titled 'How impulsive do you feel today?'. It started with, "How spontaneous do you feel today? I was thinking rather than gather up two weeks of wondering, why don't we just meet up later - even around ummm, 3:30 or 4 today..."

Yeah, it was 2:55 pm at that time. Needless to say, I took the fastest shower in the history of the world, half-assed blow-dried my hair and gave her a call (she provided her cell number in the e-mail) to let her know I was up for the meeting. I met her in the city near her neighbourhood at Second Cup (a coffee shop chain like Starbucks) where we chatted for about an hour before deciding to walk to a nearby park that had this really great stream and pond in the middle of it where we talked for another hour. We decided we were hungry so we went to a restaurant to eat where we talked for another two hours. We decided to pack it in around 8:30 pm because we both have to work tomorrow. She gave me a hug and told me we will definitely have to get together again this week. She asked me if I'd like to see The Invasion this weekend (she has a thing for Nicole Kidman) with her and I told her I would.

Yeah. So... I really like her. I had an absolute blast. The way we bantered back and forth, you'd think we were in an episode of Gilmore Girls, only better. We have so much in common, it's kind of scary actually. She has such a fantastic personality and she's funny as hell with a sharp wit. Oh, and there's also the adorable British accent. I forgot to mention that.

Here's the part that will make you go, "Um....."

She's married.

Yep. Married. To a woman. Well... they are separated and will be getting a divorce. It turns out her wife fell in love with her ex-girlfriend (the woman she originally moved to Canada for) and they are now together. She's totally fine with it and has moved on and gotten her own apartment. It's like an episode of The L-Word or something. They're all great friends.

Random points of interest:

* She loves Jann Arden as much as I do
* She loves CSI and BtVS as much as I do
* Her former job in London was working for Princess Diana's sister
* She has an odd love of disaster movies
* She's had several articles published in various magazines
* She has reddish blonde hair and she's slightly shorter than I am (so roughly 5'1" or 5'2")
* She's been in Canada since 1999
* She's 35 years old (I'm sure y'all already guessed that though from my previous 'Age Rule' post)

Alright, I'm exhausted. Time to pack it in for the day. Funny, yesterday was the one year anniversary of my meeting my ex. A day later, I have another first date. Strange how that happened. Wonderfully surprising, but strange all the same...

I don't think I need to add the gratitude part today. : )

Now let's hope I didn't just jinx the hell out of this...


jp said...

Nah, you didn't jinx it. I'm happy for you. A date! :) Awesome!

Many {{Timmy}} good luck vibes to you. I'll ping you tonight after the plumber leaves. Again. Meh.

Stacey said...

omg sounds incredible!!! so happy for you! i'd pour you some wine if you were here... :)

Alibongo said...

how exciting! No such thing as jinxing!

Shannon said...

Yay! Very exciting.