
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 1, 2007

I made a decision... how unlike me!

My god, I'm getting terrible with this updating thing... damn vortex of first stage-ness!

I'm at Julie's (aka The British Girl) place waiting for her to get her stuff together so we can go back to my place and set up the brand new television I picked up today.

God... I spent $850 on a fucking television!!! Well, it was six something but I paid for a 4 year warranty (because god knows something will happen...) so it came out over eight.

It's a Toshiba 26" gorgeous LCD television... I'm in love with it. I'm not in love with knowing I'll be spending the rest of the month paying it off of my visa account, but whatever... I gave in finally.

Last night I took Julie to see Hairspray and I loved it just as much this time as I did the first. I really want the soundtrack because it's a great pick-me-up. Next up I'd like to see The Nanny Diaries because I loved the book.

I think a trip will be made to Home Sense at some point today or tomorrow. I love that store for it's bargains of linens and dishes and glasses, etc.

I went to the dentist for a cleaning yesterday and actually fell asleep while they were cleaning my teeth. All I heard was, "Ah! I'm sorry!" because my mouth had closed and she almost gouged me in the face with whatever she was using. That's how tired I am these days... I can pass out while getting my teeth worked on.

My parents are acting strange lately because I haven't been home much. I honestly think they like me single and at home... hm... well that's not going to work. So far there hasn't been much time to introduce them to Julie (my parents are rather anti-social now that I think about it) so they don't really know what to think yet. My sisters seem to like her a lot though, so that's good enough for me.

It's so stupid... I have today, Sunday and Tuesday off... but I'm working Labour Day Monday. What the hell is wrong with me? Oh yeah, I have a brand new TV to pay for... yes, double time and a half for the sake of the television.

My passport is still held up somewhere in Quebec. I've left two messages but have not had anyone get back to me. Why the hell did they tell me to leave a message for them then??? Isn't it obvious that I'm the only person who is renewing their passport this year??? Mine is very important, dammit... I have a trip coming up, um... sometime... so clearly, it should be rushed!!!

My goodness, I've missed writing down my thoughts.

Today I'm grateful for:

* My sister
* My girlfriend
* The work week stress easing off a bit
* Getting my laundry mostly finished before the weekend started
* Finally making a TV decision
* The weekend

1 comment:

Stacey said...

oooh new tv? sweet! glad things are going well. :) i wanna see hairspray!