
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Okay, okay... I truly suck these days.

Every damn day I say, 'Self, you miss your blog... update your damn blog!' and then it gets to be late and I say, 'Self, you suck...'

Work is so crazy busy that I'm working until 7 pm most nights and on Saturday until 4 pm. Tomorrow I think I'll probably be in until 9 or 10 pm because I just have too much work right now.

I received a phone call today informing me that my gynecologist passed away suddenly, and that I will need to pick up my file by Friday at 4:30 pm. I was absolutely floored and the whole rest of my day was a little off because of it. How strange that the death of my gynecologist could upset me more than the death of my uncle last month. Then again, I have probably visited him more times than anyone sees theirs in their whole lifetime (and I was going to make an appointment later this week to see him again because I'm still in so much pain, etc.) and he has the best bedside manner. The one image that came to mind when I received the call was of myself sitting across from him at his desk and him saying, "Well my dear, we've had you go through so many tests and procedures and so far we haven't had much luck... but don't you worry, we're going to fix you up." Most doctors, after a few visits basically give up and say the same thing - "Well, let's just monitor how you're doing and if you find that the [insert symptoms here] doesn't/don't go away in a few weeks, come back and see me." which is basically a "Fuck if I know what the hell's wrong with you!" kiss off.

Anyway, I don't have the time to go to the office to pick up my file so I think I'm going to have to call and ask them if Jules can pick it up for me. His office is only five blocks away from her house.

To unwind this evening, my sister, Jules and I went to see Sydney White which I thought was pretty good. I love Amanda Bynes - she can always make me laugh.

I bought and tried a new body wash today. The only reason I'm mentioning something lame like that is because I really like it and it makes the whole bathroom smell really good. It's Dove's Cucumber and Green Tea body wash. Mmmmmmm.... I bought the hand soap counterpart as well.

Oh, and yeah... I received a speeding ticket this morning on the way to work. And best yet, when I handed over my insurance and registration, the cop noticed that my insurance was expired. It isn't expired but for whatever reason that I can't remember, I took out my current insurance slip for something and forgot to put it back in. So... yeah, because I didn't have my agent's number on me and because my insurance company's new branch was just a few blocks away, I received a police escort there so I could prove I had insurance so I wouldn't get a ticket on top of my speeding ticket. Jesus... what a way to start my day. I'm not angry that I received a speeding ticket - I totally deserved it. I'm more mad at myself for not putting my insurance slip back in my car. Oh well... live and learn. I've signed up for a defensive driving course through AMA (also my insurance company) to take off three demerits because I'm pretty sure I have six now...

Today I'm grateful for:

* The company Help Desk in MN...
* Jen for her e-mail updates (and her sense of humour)
* Not getting a second ticket
* My girlfriend for being so wonderful
* Having seen my friend before he flies back to Korea

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