I worked a lot this weekend... getting the fiscal month of October scheduled. That's a load off of my mind now.
Lots of drama around my girlfriend and her, um, wife. Her wife is seriously messed up. It's such a strange situation...
I've been eating way too much junk this week. Candy, chocolate, pretzels, cake... what the hell??? Must stop doing that. I think the reason is that it's the only stuff I can eat that doesn't hurt my stomach (go figure)... for some reason I've had really really bad heartburn this week. It feels like a pill dissolved in my esophagus or something. Whenever food or drink passes a certain spot it's pure agony.
I'm having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the fact that I have this wonderful woman in my life who devotes so much attention to me. This afternoon I kind of mentioned how I wasn't used to it and it hurt her feelings. I had to back track later and tell her I was just being stupid. It is a little much for me right now, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. I don't know...
I hope my Ohio Jen is resting comfortably this evening and that she gets good news at the doctor tomorrow {{{{{vibes}}}}} I'm worried about her. :(
Today I'm grateful for:
* My girlfriend
* My sister
* Getting some work out of the way
* Feeling mostly better
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