So yesterday, I woke up feeling kind of sluggish and off... like a cold or flu was imminent. Felt cranky and achy all day and ended up going to bed ridiculously early at 7 pm. Now I've woken up at 1:15 am and I feel like absolute garbage. I have a headache, my body aches, I have a wicked sore throat... sigh...
I've gargled with salt water and I'm on my second cup of tea with lemon (apparently I have no honey... probably because I only use it for tea when I'm sick...). I found some cold meds from the last time I was sick - I have no idea when that was actually but I know the meds are still good - so I've taken two of those and found a stash of Halls left from my ex-girlfriend. So far nothing is helping but I'm hoping it'll kick in soon... at least to get me back to sleep. I start work at 7:30 this morning... bleh...
I cracked open the first season of Criminal Minds last night and watched the first episode. I purchased that back in June during DVD distract-o-rama when I needed to keep myself distracted from my break-up at all hours of the day but never actually got to it (which, I suppose is a good thing!). Anyway, I thought it was not bad. The episode ended kind of strange but I suppose they did that so the viewer would tune in the following week to see what happened. I saw the show on television the day before yesterday and noticed that the lead character is no longer on the show. I remember reading about it but I can't remember why. I didn't watch more than maybe five minutes of it but it looks like he must have just left his job (in the show) and now they're all shocked and dealing with it or something. In reality he probably drove drunk or something and is all embarrassed... who knows. It's not even worth looking up.
Next week I'm house sitting for my best friend/co-worker. She's off on a business trip to Sonoma, California. Must be freakin' nice to be staying in wine country and to get to go golfing as a team building exercise! I'm kidding... business trips suck big time and I don't envy her at all. I still have my fingers crossed that I don't have to go to Minneapolis this year. So far I've avoided it and I hope I can still escape the year without a trip. I actually hope I never have to go again... I don't think I have much training left to do. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky. : ) I love traveling for personal reasons but business trips are to busy and stressful!!
Okay, I'm going to try to get back to sleep...
1 comment:
Hope you feel better very soon!
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