100% on the defensive driving course. Woo! The seven hours of agony was worth it. I only received three phone calls from work through it... I was impressed.
The weekend has been filled with relaxation, Bad Girls series 1 (Jules bought it for me a while back and now she's finally being introduced to it. She's hooked now... heh.), lots of thanksgiving food, a sex toy party, lots of sleep, a nice fall walk, a three am viewing of Venus in the sky... hm... oh yeah, and some work mixed in.
The sex toy party on Saturday was really fun. The guy who did it is the owner of the company and is an actual sex doctor (not a line - he's got a phD) so it was very informative and not at all raunchy and embarrassing!
Jules has been talking a lot about having children. She and her good friend Ryan have been talking about having a kid for over a year now. I think she really wants to know what I think about it. I've given a general opinion so far but not a personal one. I'm not really sure what to say at this point, given that we've only been together for two months.
Today I'm grateful for:
* My brief chat with my American twin today :)
* Sleep
* The waitress at Denny's still remembering me even though I haven't been there in ages
* Getting some work done on the weekend
* Long weekends
* A little anger management
What? You don't want to have her baby already? What kind of lesbian are you? You should already be living with her, for heaven's sake. ;)
Glad your weekend went well. Yay on the driving test! And the sex toy party sounds interesting. And Jules is cute! :)
Yeah, I'm so not the U-Haul kind of girl. ;)
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