I was impossible to maneuver a cart anywhere in the store. Not even in the lesser visited aisles in the back where they sell stuff nobody ever needs. Believe me, I tried. I made the huge mistake of venturing into the Christmas tree section so I could pick up the tree that I had a coupon for (a little 3' Christmas tree w/ lights for $9.99). It took forever to de-tangle myself from the mass of shopping carts once in that area. Then of course there was a 20 minute wait to pay at the front. Man, that humidifier better be worth it.
I need a humidifier because Alberta is so damn dry. I wake up in the morning and the back of my throat is dry and my sinuses are sore. It stays with me all day... although now that I think about it, it actually gets worse at work with all of the flour in the air. Anyway, I spend all day clearing my throat (of nothing) and it sucks. Normally around this time of year I will plug in just an old Vicks steamer and use that but that puts out a little too much humidity in a night and reminds me of being sick because one can never get rid of the vapor medicine smell.
Yesterday, while Jules was here, I for whatever reason decided to pull out the two picture frames I had thrown under the bed back at the end of May when I broke up with my ex-girlfriend. One frame fit a 5x7 picture and the other fit four 4x6 pictures. Well, I finally decided to remove the pictures of my ex and myself and put in some new ones. It was kind of hard but also therapeutic at the same time.
Here are some pics that Ryan took of us from the other day when we were waiting to go out to dinner:
Yeah, I know... it's sickening.
Well, time to read the directions for my humidifier... another totally exciting Saturday night!!
Today I'm grateful for:
* My girlfriend
* Indian food
* November half over
* My trip to Philly next month
* Sleeping in tomorrow morning...
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