I still can't sleep without being propped up in a sitting position, which sucks because unless I'm drugged into oblivion, it's uncomfortable to sleep at that angle. The pressure of being any flatter is worse though, so I guess I'm stuck that way for a while.
I went to the company Christmas party on Saturday, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but really wasn't. There was a stand up comedian after dinner and he was really funny... well, smiling and laughing hurt like hell, even with three drinks and two painkillers. I really suffered after a couple of hours. Ryan and I went back to his place to watch a movie afterwards and I drugged up some more but it didn't do much good. I was a little more swollen the next day but it has subsided since. I actually look really good now... only a little yellow bruising left and a couple of cuts on my nose (and a slight crookedness) but other than that, you wouldn't know I have a broken nose.
I have had a runny nose all day, which is really hard to manage when it's impossible to blow my nose. I've also had a bit of a chest cough, which worries me because I really don't want to be sick!! I went to work from 7 am - 11:30 am and then I just couldn't handle it any longer. My face felt like it was going to explode. I went home and rested and then napped for the afternoon and early evening. Now it's bedtime and I'm not really tired. Great...
Awww hope you feel better soon.
Where's the picture from? A news source, I guess.
Did they just give you the game puck? I know it's on the ticket that you can get hit but it'd be cool if they gave you stuff for getting hit. It's the least they can do.
Yep, it's an Associated Press pic.
I do have the puck - it apparently bounced off my face and hit a guy in the back of the head. He picked it up and gave it to Jules.
They said they were going to phone me back on Monday but I didn't hear from them. Whatever... it's nice to know they really care. :P
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