
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 20, 2007

And this is why I love Canadians in sport...

Canadians always know how to have a good time when they play sports. This is from a week ago but I love this picture so much... it says a lot about Canadian athletes. The one pouring is Britt Janyk who won the downhill ski race that day. Kelly Vanderbeek is the one drinking and she placed sixth. Canadians will celebrate if they come in 65th... it doesn't matter. It's like they're just happy to be there (paying their own way because our funding sucks).


Stacey said...

Plus those girls are cute.

westmaple said...

Well yeah, but I didn't mention that because it's obvious, heh...;)

jp said...

Hmm...can I become an honorary Canadian? Please?