
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, January 25, 2008

Post Op


Arrived at hospital at 11 am. Changed into hospital garb and was hooked up to an I.V. Was told I wouldn't be taken down to surgery until 12:40 pm but less than five minutes later a bed was at the door and I was taken down to the surgery holding area. I was down there for maybe 15 minutes and then I was taken into the operating room. I moved on to the operating table, got strapped in, was given a painkiller through my I.V. that nearly made me retch and then all I heard was, "And this is the second one..." and next thing I heard was, "Jennifer... how are you doing?" I was all groggy but felt pain worse than when I was hit in the face by the puck. I tried ripping the oxygen mask off my face, but couldn't really get it higher than a few centimetres. I managed to say "Pain..." so they gave me a shot of morphine. I was still in agony five minutes later so I was given another shot. Ten minutes after that, when the pain had not subsided enough to be comfortable, I was given another shot in the I.V. and one directly into my arm. Holy cow... after that, I barely remember anything. I left recovery and went upstairs for another hour before Julie was allowed to take me home. We stopped at the drug store to fill my prescriptions and I must have looked like a zombie in there. The pharmacist was really nice though and understanding of my being drugged out of my mind. After that we went home and I was tucked into bed. I remember my parents stopping by (the first time they had seen the apartment) and my sister coming by with baby food to feed me (in her words, "I feed people all day like this" while trying to coax apple sauce into my mouth). Aside from being really itchy from the morphine, I was relatively comfortable.


The next morning, I had to remove the packing from my nose. Talk about painful.... holy fuck. It's amazing how deep the sinuses are. After that, I couldn't really get rid of the pain all together, but stayed as drugged as possible to escape from it. Ryan made us dinner down in his apartment - breakfast food in honour of my not being able to chew big things. I couldn't taste a damn thing but ate everything on my plate. The details of the rest of the day are kind of fuzzy...


Work phoned me about 15 times due to fiscal month-end stuff. Ugh. There's nothing like being drugged up, laying in bed and having the phone ring over and over again. I ended up getting up and turning the work laptop on to do a few things before using up all of my energy and telling them all I was done for the day. Of course then my boss phoned to ask me to attend a conference in Minneapolis Feb 3 - 6th and then called me back twice while in the process of booking it. After that, I received a call from my mother and my best friend asking how I was. Julie was depressed all day so I was pretty much on my own while she sat on the couch and read and/or surfed the internet. I had never seen her so down before so I felt really bad because nothing I said or did helped. I get like that sometimes so I understand... but it still sucked. She decided to do a load of laundry at some point this afternoon and accidentally washed her lip balm with her shirts so now all of her shirts have melted lip balm on them. I'm sure that really helped her mood a lot. I told her we'll go out tomorrow and buy her some new shirts. She's been looking up ways to remove the lip balm (it involves WD-40 and something else) so we'll see what happens. Then earlier this evening, after eating her homemade lasagne (her first attempt ever), she ended up sick in the bathroom... actually, still sick in the bathroom. Poor girl. :(

Back to watching the first season of The West Wing...

1 comment:

jp said...

I miss my Canadian twin...and I hope she's feeling better...