Toilet still leaking all over the place. I'd be surprised if the neighbours under us don't have water leaking from their ceiling because the bowl under the leak fills up pretty fast. The plumber won't be here until 9 am tomorrow. Jesus. So much for emergency.
I'm watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles which has Lena Headey in it. Mmmmmm..... Lena Headey. Girls kicking ass... not bad for a Monday evening on television.
So far, life moved in with Julie is pretty good. It's so nice to come home and relax instead of having two televisions on, people talking over each other, banging, clanging, etc. The best is no talk of work, which is a huge relief.
Two months less one day until I'm 30. Ugh... where did my twenties go?
Tomorrow I go for a pre-op appointment at the hospital. They said it was going to be something like four hours long. I have no idea what they're going to do to me or what I have to do. Should be interesting.
Today I'm grateful for:
* Long shot shows getting a chance
* My girlfriend
* Brief warm spell this week
Sorry to hear about the plumbing emergency. :(
I'm waiting for that Terminator show to start here. Looks good. Well Lena does anyway. Glad your move sound to have gone well. Toilet dramas aside!
that sucks about the plumbing!
glad living together is going well. :)
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