I decided not to even bother going to work today... I know I'd just end up leaving early again anyway. I'm feeling less dizzy but more sick to my stomach today... ugh.
I was thinking about Valentine's Day yesterday at work as I was accidentally writing Feb 14th for everything instead of Feb 13th. Doesn't Feb 13th look more Valentine Day-ish than Feb 14th? The 3 is all round and heart-shaped like... where as the 4 is all lines and sharp and stuff. Yes, I was clearly so sick yesterday that this was what I spent time thinking about.
Today is Julie's Canadian citizenship exam!!!! She was soooooooo nervous this morning, constantly asking me to read her questions and then the time because she didn't want to be late. She was originally going to take the bus, but with me home and it snowing, I drove her instead. Sometimes it's nice living right downtown. I told her to call me when she finished to let me know how she think she did but she hasn't phoned yet and it's been over an hour. Hm... I thought it was only 20 multiple choice questions or something. :/
They say that 80% of Canadians would not be able to pass the Canadian citizenship exam if they had to take it today. Isn't that sad? Canadians don't know squat about their own country. As I was helping Julie study for her exam, I realized that I didn't really pay much attention in school when it came to Canada. I always thought Canada was boring. I enjoyed learning about China and the United States and the U.S.S.R. much more than Canada. But, as it turns out, Canada was much more interesting before it became a country. I mean, at one time, the Eastern part of Canada owned half of the United States or something... I can't remember, my dad was trying to explain it to me the other day as it is his latest passion for some reason.
Anyway, here's a practice exam page that we were using as well as the booklet that was mailed out to Jules. I think the first time I took a 10 question one, I only scored 60%!
I don't think we're doing anything this evening as far as Valentine's Day is concerned. Probably just make dinner and watch either The Closer or The West Wing on DVD. Woo! Romantic first Valentine's Day together, eh?
I don't think Stacey & Angele will be having much of a romantic Valentine's Day either, but I'm sure they are more than fine with that as they have a perfect Valentine gift turning 1 year old today. Happy Birthday to little Riley!
Today I'm grateful for:
* Sick days
* My wonderful girlfriend
* My girlfriend finally getting the chance to write the citizenship exam
* My apartment
* Good people getting what they want most
I am going to have to take that test. I suck at geography and history for any country. I just hate it.
Damn, I got 60% too. But I didn't know New Brunswick is the only officially bi-lingual province. I thought it would've been Quebec. My bad.
Yeah, what's up with New Brunswick being officially bi-lingual??
Thank Jenny!!!! She is our gift for the next 60 years!!!
Good guessing on my part left me with 60% on that quiz too. At least we're consistent. :)
Hope you're feeling better!
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