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Friday, February 22, 2008

Lazy Post

Every night, I intend to go online and write on my blog. Every night, something distracts me until suddenly I'm in bed, drifting off to sleep wondering where my evening went. So, here's the past week in review:

Work Sucks - My job is really stressful right now, so much so that I was daydreaming about quitting yesterday as I was quite emotional. My boss returns from mat leave in one week but where I once saw that as a welcome sight, I now fear will be an additional helping of stress. Or, I may be exchanging one kind of stress for another. I'm not sure. I will have to give it a few weeks to see what happens.

Julie's Ex Sucks - Julie's ex (or, I guess we could say 'wife') started lecturing her on finances and other stuff she shouldn't be talking about. She was running me down and on speaker phone yet! It was all crap and Julie has been upset for days. She's now impatient for the divorce and at the same time is sad that we all just can't be friends. This is also affecting our discussion on children. :(

Children or no children - Um... yeah, I don't know at this point. Julie flip flops by the hour right now, where she used to be all for having children (she gets angry when I say 'kids' or 'kid' because they aren't goats...). She also doesn't like the fact that I swear and my family swears a lot. No child of hers would be brought up with that. SIGH... just because I do now doesn't mean I can't stop. She's all mixed up about this right now and I'm just going to wait to see where she ends up on it. She told me yesterday that it's her ex that's causing her to be so all over the place this week.

Diet - I've gained 19 lbs since I started dating Julie. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! They say happiness makes you gain weight. Well, dammit, that sucks. We went grocery shopping last night for some healthier food and I want to start walking again. I was doing so well last year... I was up to 5+ miles a day! :/

Michael Clayton - SUCKS. Julie wanted to see it sooooooo bad so I picked it up the other day. We watched it last night and she loved it. I thought it was awful and even George Clooney couldn't save it (who, btw, is looking old! He's started to get jowls...holy cow!) I think I rather watch Ella Enchanted again than be subjected to watching Michael Clayton again. :(

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