Oh my goodness.... this week has been trying. Julie's parents have been wonderful... Jules on the other hand... it's a good thing I'm in love with her...
Tonight alone, I've had four Guinness and a pint of Canadian. At least my neck isn't sore anymore. The previous five evenings I've had so much to drink, I don't even want to think about how much.
I rented the Harry Potter Wii game the other day. I played for about an hour and then spent all day yesterday nursing a sore forearm and hand from waving the controller around doing spells. It seems like a good game, but some of the spells are kind of tricky to do (and I don't like the ones you have to do with both the controller and nunchuck at the same time). We'll see how far I get before I have to return it on Monday.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad tomorrow is a stat holiday at work. I don't think I could drag my ass out of bed at 5:30 am one more time this week. We haven't been going to bed before midnight since Julie's parents have gotten here. I'm used to going to bed at 10 pm at the very latest. I can't wait to get back to that routine next week.
Tomorrow we drop her parents off at the airport around 5 pm. Right after that, we're heading over to my grandparents' place to celebrate my grandmother's 71st birthday. It'll be nice to see my kitties again... I miss being around Molly and Simon a lot. I don't miss the cat hair, but I miss their personalities and the snuggles, etc.
I figured out that I'm going to get about $2,500 on my tax return. Unfortunately, the damn government did not send me a tax package, so I need to find out whatever is on line 150 on my 2006 tax return in order to get a number to file online. I did that one on my sister's computer last year because she was the only one with a printer at the time, so I have to wait until I go over there to find it. It's frustrating because I want to file now!! The sooner I get that money, the sooner the balance on my Visa is paid off and the sooner my car is repaired (I need two new tires, struts, belts, etc.)
Work has been kind of stressful at times since my boss came back from maternity leave at the beginning of the month. I'm glad to have her back but at the same time, it's a lot of extra work because she needs to get caught up on things and that means a lot of meetings discussing current procedures and such. :/
I went to a dental specialist the other day to see about getting a tooth implant. I've been missing one of my molars since July 2001 and my teeth have decided to start moving around in the past year, causing lots of pain at times. Holy freakin' hell... because I waited so long to do this, I'll need a bone graft and all that.... so the total cost will end up being around $6,500! That much for one freakin' tooth!!! The sad thing is, is I'll probably have to do it. The other side of my mouth has a molar that has had a root canal but it's sore at times which leads me to believe that it's only a matter of time before it has to be removed altogether. :( I can't have both sides missing a molar.... I wouldn't be able to eat properly! :/ I guess it'll definitely be something to save up for...
Today I'm grateful for:
* Guinness
* The Weekend
* Stat holidays
* My family
* Tax Returns (y'know, when I can finally file... sigh)
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