So, it's been a constant blizzard for four days... finally ending this afternoon. We received about 40 cm of snow in total, I believe. Absolute nightmare driving anywhere, especially in residential areas. Heck, I got stuck just trying to get out of my parking stall at home. At work, the snow fell off of the awnings and buried five vehicles... crazy. I blame this all on Jules who bought us outdoor furniture for the balcony last week.
I've been in a lot of pain for the past week and have not been doing much of anything aside from work. I waited too many days between acupuncture appointments and the constant throbbing pain in my finger (so acute it feels like more than one finger) every few seconds returned for DAYS. Holy freakin' hell.... I would not wish this constant pain on anyone. I rather have the flu or my wisdom teeth removed again or my nose broken again or my hand cut off than have this pain. Anyway, I was practically counting down the minutes to my appointment on Monday and am now mostly pain free again. I'm waiting to get in to see my doctor again to tell her that I need something done about this... I don't care if a surgeon has to cut my damn hand off... I can't live with this pain and I can't keep paying $60 every three days to manage the pain.
For the second time in a year, I have an uncle dying of lung cancer. Both of them are the only uncles I've actually lived near, so this really sucks. The one uncle died last August and now this uncle has about 4-6 months to live. :(
On Saturday my sisters and I are getting our hair and make-up done and then going to get professional pictures taken for my mother and grandmothers for Mother's Day. The last time any kind of family picture was taken was before my youngest sister was even born, and my sisters and I have never taken a picture all together so we think my mom will really like this present. The reason we're getting our make-up done (by my sister's friend) instead of doing it ourselves is because my youngest sister still looks really ill from having been on meth. We're hoping that the make-up will make her look a little healthier. We'll see how it goes...
Today I'm grateful for:
* Pain management (expensive as it is...)
* My girlfriend
* My job
* My family
* My friends, especially the far away ones :)
So sorry you're having craptastic weather and so much pain. :( And not to mention, your uncle dying. I hope May brings on better luck!
The pictures sound really nice. I'm sure your family will be touched. Makes me want to get some family portraits done.
Is your sister off of meth then? How long as she been clean?
Sorry to hear you're having a rough go with the hand pain. That sucks. I hope your doctor can help you figure out some other less expensive and more permanent way of handling the pain.
I had no idea it snowed there. LOL.
So sorry to hear about your uncle. That's sad.
{{Jenny}} Miss you much.
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