Today I am 36. I am up at 4 a.m. to celebrate; to write to my parents. I believe with all my heart and soul, that birthdays are not about us, but about our parents or guardians. My being 36, will be equally depressing for all of us due to the fact my Mother got to the age of 37 and decided to stay there. At one point in my youth, that was not so problematic. Now it makes me the second coming.
Being up at 4 a.m. means I can watch all the right wing news I want on CNN. I LOATHE the politics of CNN but I maintain that one can only develop a position on a subject by THOROUGHLY understanding the other side. When I read Jimmy Carter's Endangered Values (not the most enlightened democrat compared to what we have now but nonetheless, still a good read) - I read Anne Coulter right a long side it. CNN is the best and most frightening picture of right wing America. It is truly alarming to hear such draconian values espoused so passionately in 2008. That drag queen, Nancy Grace, is the best of the worst. It is like watching parody, an SNL sketch about well, CNN. As it is, Christiane AnaNanaAnaNanaPore is on documenting changes in Korea. So I am watching Mariska Thingy in Law and Order instead. It seems at 4 a.m. everyone on television must have a last name I can not pronounce. As for Christiane, well ever since she did that religion documentary series, I've wained; it simply towed the CNN line :( . . . too bad, as I have always found her rather alluring in that British, Nigella Lawson, take no nonsense, sort of way.
Well children of the blog . . . time to continue my childish endeavours....being up, excited at my birthday. 36 is really fine, I love aging because the experiences collected and the reflections that go with it . . . I am I know, very privileged. I have a wonderful life; I have an excellent and beautiful relationship with my former wife and her partner (who is also my former girlfriend) and I marvel at their toddler twins daily . . . I have parents who would drop everything in a second for me as I them, I have a home and an emotional stability that I have built up and maintained in spite of frequent unexpected changes, and most of all, I have a woman who is consistent, loving, loyal and wonderful. A woman who challenges me as I her in ways I have never been challenged. Our differences are many, yet our love for each other springs from the same passionate source. Ten days in Toronto . . . heavens. The least I could do was send her here with lovely feet.
("Okay, TRY and make it look like you like her Jennifer")
Oh, that reminds me...a feat (seamless, I know) for the Toronto crew if possible...lots of pictures of Riley as I love keeping up with her on the various blogs. Work the runway Riley - and get better soon too k? Melmo misses you - hugs.
Ah the sun is rising ; a blur of streaked pinks, purples and pastel yellows. Alberta skies arch across their landscapes with such breath taking allure it is a wonder I get anything done in this province.
So you're a blog addict now. :P
Happy birthday! I too like aging. Well, in a sense. But right now we're trying to pop out all of the babies before we get to 35. Hahaha.
We will definitely take lots of pictures of Riley (as always) and make sure to sneak in some of Jenny too. I'm not sure how good the pictures will be as she's usually passed out on wine at our house after making us endure an awful movie or two. Seriously, she has the movie curse and I dread renting stuff with her. :P
You realize that we're going to have to rent something when I'm there, right? I'm determined to break this curse...
Happy birthday from Jenny's American twin. :)
Thank you twin J. Do you also drink youself unconcious and rent terrible movies.
(Stacey; perhaps J's drinking and passing out is actually a way of getting through these movies somehow...??? Wine for thought there, wine for thought).
Maybe that's true but I think she's such a lush that her judgement is clouded when she actually rents the video, thereby resulting in awful movie rentals. I hide my Blockbuster card when she visits and tell her it's closed if she enquires. "Oh yeah, they had to close the store to renovate. And they renovate at night so they have all of the lights on. They also don't mean they're open by that big flashy open sign. It's a figure of speech."
So, you mean ALL the Blockbuster stores in the GTA are closed for renovations? Wow... what are the odds...
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