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Friday, July 25, 2008

Divine Bovine

After waiting weeks and procuring it through ill gotten ways, the Wii Fit, finally arrived. It sits in pieces around the living room as Jenn has insomnia. It was unpacked while we were eating cheesecake.

Yesterday I decided that enough was enough...I left university four years ago and still my student line of credit was open. This concerned the bank lady greatly as it was rather unheard of. So I shall be paying that off forthwith I imagine. Post-separating with my wife, I also did a thing of much wrongness and got a loan from people one should think twice about (Citi...). At the lovely interest rate of 31.99% (the lovely bank lady refered to them as the Mafia for much of the meeting)...it was rather dubious as to whether the mere $5000 would ever be paid...so lovely bank lady sorted me out there too. As we were waiting for lovely bank lady, Jenn coined a new phrase...after revealing the % she gasped the phrase, "Holy cow" about twenty times. Then there was a pause and under her breath she let out the classic...."Divine Bovine". I am now patenting this (much as I have acquired Riley as my "movie star friend that I know" story).

Jenn has insomnia. I have the opposite of. I may be stealing her sleep. The ridiculos thing is that we both still need to sleep the moment we 'get up'. I blame the cheesecakes. Jenn blames my thrashing around at night and my constant stream of night-time chatter while in slumber.

Too tired to scribe now....

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