Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am now a Sudoku addict.
I first became interested in it while in Ontario. My cousin is obsessed with it and can sit down and two minutes later have a puzzle completed. I was thinking, 'Well, if she can do it... I can do it.' - I had tried once or twice in the past but could never finish one. I forgot about trying again until I saw a puzzle in the newspaper this past Monday. One of the guys I was on break with does them, so I asked him for a couple logic tips past the obvious. Ten minutes later I had completed my first puzzle. On Tuesday, I completed the puzzle in the newspaper and then printed off some from online to do on my second break. That evening I brought a dollar store book home. On Wednesday, I think I did about ten of them. Yesterday we went to Chapters and Julie treated me to 'Extreme Sudoku for Dummies' (ONLY because it was the only book with logic strategy... the Mensa guide was sold out :P ), a three pack of mini sudoku pads so I can keep one at work and in my purse (as it says, you'll never be bored in a meeting again... ha ha... yeah, like I can not pay attention to a meeting long enough to play), and level one of the Mensa insane sudoku (never say never...). Julie may regret buying me all that... she may never receive attention again...
This probably won't surprise you, since we share a tendency toward Boggle addiction, but I also am a Sudoku addict. My cell phone has a touch screen, and I have a Sudoku game on it. I developed this addiction quite a while after the game started showing up in newspapers with the crossword puzzle, but once I tried it, I was hooked!
I was thinking of you when we were at Chapters looking at all the Sudoku books! I was wondering, 'Hm... I bet Jen is hooked on this too...' I guess I was right! You probably do really well with the intermediate and hard puzzles!! :)
I do okay with them. I have some trouble with the expert level puzzles. That's mainly because I frequently do the easy puzzles (if I only have a few minutes free). I need to spend more time on the harder ones...in fact, I think I'll do that right now. :)
A trial was aborted here because some of the jurors were found to be playing Sudoku.
I heard about that! I bet people have been fired from their jobs all over the world because of Sudoku puzzle addiction.
My name is Jules and I am a Sudoku widow....
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