
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wii Are What Wii Are

I have taken to putting every living moment on my facebook page, so therefore, feel free to add me as your friend (... just look through Jenn's page). Heaven knows it takes a technology degree for me to upload pictures upon this site.

Enjoyed immensely the Yes Man trailer...six degrees of separation...I now know Jim Carey. Thank you Riley - xo :). Speaking of celebrities, Jennifer is now the proud owner of a Wii Fit. I have rather enjoyed her playing the Wiinter (get it..wiiin....n'em mind...) games....when Jenn was ski-ing down the mountain in just her lower-portions underwear, I truly was the happiest woman in the world, reader.

Ms J is looking at buying a new car. But first we must get through her monthly nightmare that is, 'the cramps'. I have always had girlfriends who are rendered unconscious each month by the monstrous affliction. I suffer, it is true, but never as much as I have seen the suffering. Because she is afflicted, I am watching Hairspray for the umpteenth time...the baby LOVES The Hairspray. Me not so much (I rather liked the movie where they blew up Baltimore actually...what was that - oh yes, Sum of All Fears..hee). Still it makes her very giddy and happy so hopefully cramps will subside and there will be a car in the lot by the end of the day.

In other news...I am having a tooth replaced for a MERE $3500...and am wondering why teeth are considered aesthetics when without teeth ones mouth would cave in. It would look bad, yes but I think there would be other health consequences....

Well, off out to a party this evening representing herself and myself - cramps do rather encroach onto one's social diary...so tonight I am partying for two. I would rather be in with Jenn but she has a point that we keep doing that lesbian-shut-in thing so one of us has to make an effort occasionally. Sigh. I'm so hard done by ;).


Angele said...

lots to catch up on!

i need wii fit.

lol @ your 6 degrees of separation theory.

i never get cramps. i find it all very strange. they say orgasms help....

good luck with the car hunt. i love toyota.

little one is up so i have to run.

stacey -- too lazy to sign out of angele's account.

Citizen Julie said...

If those help...Jenn would NEVER get cramps!!!!