So, of course the second I buy a car with air conditioning in it, the hot weather disappears and rain and cool overcast weather replaces it. Still, I have still found the odd moment where I've needed the air conditioning and it's been blissful. No more open windows and hair whipping around my head while I perspire my way home each day.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to take any pictures of the car yet - I appear to have misplaced my camera. The darn thing is always around when I don't have anything to take a picture of but the moment I actually want to use it - gone. I actually blame Julie for this... she likes to re-arrange all the drawers constantly so I'm forever asking her where something is. She'll deny this upon reading but it's true...
Last night, we went for the car's first highway trip (the car hadn't been over 80 km/h yet) and tried out the iPod hook-up and sound system. I think Julie was in heaven once the likes of Madonna, Kylie, and The Pussycat Dolls pounded out of the speakers. In her younger years, Julie was quite the clubber... dancing the nights away in London and then in Fredericton when she came over to Canada. To this day, when she hears a good beat she starts dancing around - it's cute as hell. Definitely a departure from all of my other girlfriends in the past - none of them liked to dance at all.
In other news, I've managed to lose 7 lbs some how. I stepped on the scale this morning and did a double take. Not sure how that happened but I'll take it! Usually when you don't weigh yourself for a while, when you finally do step on it's an increase. At least that's what usually happens to me anyway.
Julie has started selling dvds and books that she doesn't want anymore on She's sold about six dvds so far but no books. I went through my dvds and gave her a bunch to put on there to sell as well - might as well try to get rid of some of the ones I know I'm never going to watch again. The profit isn't much after shipping them but it's better than nothing I suppose.
Today we're off to find our friend Ryan a zombie-themed birthday present. He's a huge zombie fan and there is a store mid-town that has some zombie-type things. I think Julie's also going to go spend the $25 La Senza gift card I gave her earlier this week. She's been muttering for weeks about how she needs to be fitted for a new bra so hopefully we'll get that done today as well. After that I think Julie's going to make another batch of her lentil soup. I've asked her to blog her recipe for it as well.
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