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Friday, September 12, 2008

X-Files and lesbian stuff

Julie and I started watching season 9 of The X-Files and now I'm hopelessly addicted once again to X-Files fic online. This time around though it isn't Mulder/Scully fic that I'm reading... it's Scully/Reyes. I heart Special Agent Monica Reyes.

Today I worked my 12th day in a row and was glad when 4 pm rolled around. I drove home and picked up Julie and we went to Ikea for dinner and then to pick up two bookcases. It took us forever to get there and I told Julie that we are NEVER going shopping during rush hour ever again.

After Ikea, we went to Old Navy where I picked up a few pairs of pants because 99% of my pants are tight due to weight gain... or rather inch gain. My damn middle section is now gaining inches. :( We went to another couple of stores and picked up a few shirts - I got one and Julie got four. There's our spending for the rest of the month!

Now we've settled in and we're watching the series finale of The X-Files. God, Chris Carter really screwed this show up royally. If only he could write a story arc like Joss Whedon...


Citizen Julie said...

Other women in Jenn's life:

Agent Monica Reyes
Red Toyota Sport Corolla
Elton John

I need to start wearing an FBI badge, big sparkly glasses and eau de engine oil . . .

Stacey said...

I think you need to start wearing that not only because Jenny would like it but because that would look incredibly hot. :P

Dykea and lesbian fan fic? Yeah nice gayest post ever!

Ikea dinners are interesting. They are so freakin' cheap and aren't too horrible. I haven't found a dessert I like there though.