So blame me. What political rucus there be - blame me. What a load of fuss and nonsense it all is.
I had a very brief thought of terror concerning there being a Canadian civil war. I know this to be unfounded by the way people have since reacted when I've mentioned, "A Canadian civil war". People (Canadians) give me this half shaky head and frown combination and put their hands out as if to say, "It's not Bosnia ya loopy Limey". That, or just state emphatically as if one sentence of conviction will do it, "This is Canada". Or, my favourite, the sarcastically seasoned...."Er...this is Canada?". It's quite comforting to know that when the CBC say sweeping overstatements such as, "The nation is DIVIDED"'s completely untrue. It would be better to say (again with the same conviction), "Parliament is crumbling. And the nation don't care. Now, over Claire with the weather . . .".
I don't think I personally set the nonsense in motion with parliament but what a year to get ones voting rights. You realise in the States this would be made "historic" (already) by the likes of CNN et al. It would be a national disaster in the U.S. (much like their current one) . . . it would be a, "Where were YOU when McCain and Obama became King and Queen of America" Canada, the only time this sort of news matters is when they interupt one of the many fabulous formulaic crime-drama shows the fabulously panic'd States feed us nightly, to bring the so called 'news' to us. Who cares???? I was just learning about how the fibre-optic molecule of a dense shagpile carpet fibre from 1984 might just save this man from the death sentence....neeeeext....
In other news (real, important news), I now have a fantastic job working with a wonderful mental health organization - back in non-profit and working long, long days because I have a huge office with my name already on the door, a great big desk and a view of the city to die for. Think non-profit Melanie Griffith in Working Girl if you will. For I DO see hope in the morning light people.
My former work is declaring bankruptcy...this is no wonder...they would expense lap dances,sex trade workers, snort coke at their desks, buy me very expensive underwear....this is the filthy rich you see....they are utterly filthy. I am on a lot less money but working twice as hard and loving it 100% more. I've no disgusting men to deal with or women who are so gender divided it belies belief - now it's just the loveliest of men and women who have beliefs, hope and an agenda that is not based soley around themselves...
Well, that's all for now.....over to Claire for the weather.
1 comment:
I missesd your witty posts. Glad to see you posting again.
Yeah, we may disagree in Canada but the thought of having a war over it is...well...this is Canada. You know, CANADA... ;)
Glad you're enjoying your new job.
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