
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Believe it or not, we actually do leave home on occasion. Tonight we went down to the legislature building grounds to check out the lights and music. It was freakin' cold but we bundled up and had coffee and cocoa to keep us warm.

Julie with lights in the background:

Me with lights in the background:

Julie with the ice scuptures in the background (no chance of those melting and losing their shape anytime soon!):

A picture of the two of us that would have been great if it hadn't turned out blurry (we really need a new camera!):

Julie suggested that I pose for a picture with a stand-in for our future child, y'know, since everyone else was taking pictures with their kids:

1 comment:

Stacey said...

aw that would've been an awesome pic of you two.

thanks for the card.

love the stand-in child.