
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I think the test I took today looks darker than yesterday's which is promising. As I mentioned in my post yesterday, last month I had absolutely nothing show up in the test line area on the dollar store tests so it would appear we're doing better this time around even though I feel the same as last month - I'm spotting daily with on and off minor cramping and feel the pressure like I'm going to start my period any moment:

I still have a standing order for a blood test so after Jules went for her pre-surgery doctor's appointment yesterday we both went to get blood drawn. Jules has her surgery on the 10th to remove two grapefruit sized 'things' on her ovaries. We have to be at the hospital for 6 am (ugh!). It's going to be interesting being the one not going in for surgery for once.

This weekend we're taking it easy and laying low, mainly because Jules is super stressed from her job (heavy emphasis on the 'super' - my poor girl) and I have a cold and feel like garbage. We're trying to get our money's worth out of our cable subscription by watching a ton of movies in between naps.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Sorry about the job stress.

Spotting can be implantation bleeding as the little embryo nestles into the lining even more. Or you could be a lucky one who happens to spot during pregnancy (20% of women do have some form of bleeding.) So happy for you. :)