
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 11, 2012

Now 50-75% improved!

Since Thursday I've been feeling gradually better to the point where I feel about 50-75% better, depending on the time of day.  The light at the end of the tunnel perhaps?  I sure hope so!  I've been hoping so much that I'd start feeling better before Wednesday when I fly to Philly for a week-long visit with some friends I've missed a lot and haven't been able to see for nearly five years.  If this keeps up (and hopefully improves), I'll be able to actually eat regular meals without much trouble.  Hooray!

I still have my aversions (the smell of coffee, hand sanitizer, mint are among the top) and nausea but I also have an appetite that will suddenly come out of nowhere once or twice a day.  Since those are the moments I feel the best, I've been jumping (or sometimes persuading Jules) to find whatever it is I'm craving or in the mood for.  There have been a few evening trips to the grocery store in the past few days.  Best of all, vegetables have started tasting good again.  Thank goodness!

I had my second prenatal appointment today and the doctor lectured me on not getting too down on myself for not being able to eat or drink properly right now.  "Women have had healthy babies without eating vegetables or drinking tons of water!"  and I know she's right.  Women have done a lot of things and had healthy babies so I should probably not be hard on myself.  I'm able to keep my prenatal vitamin down again so that makes me feel a little better.  If I get my fluids right now by drinking iced tea and 7-up, so be it.  If a breakfast sandwich at a fast food place settles my stomach for hours, oh well.  I'll bide my time until I can tolerate more things and cook again and I'll get back on the healthy path.  As an overweight woman, I should only gain a specific amount of weight during this pregnancy and I'm just scared of getting off track.  However, having lost weight so far and having my doctor tell me to relax, perhaps I should not be so worried about it just yet.

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