While renting we rarely ever interacted with neighbours. We are friendly people and will say 'hi' or 'good morning' to people but they tend to ignore the gesture - most likely just renter mentality and the knowledge that eventually everyone moves on so why get overly friendly. Anyway, with moving into a new neighbourhood of home owners, Jules and I have been looking forward to getting to know at least our immediate neighbours. Wouldn't you know it, yesterday evening our doorbell rang and there stood one of our next door neighbours with a gorgeous poinsettia arrangement and a very nice welcome card for us. Yay, good start already. Today I made some squares and cookies and bought a couple cute Christmas trays and tomorrow we'll go ring the doorbells of our two next door neighbours - the one to say thank you for their kind gesture and the other one (the one we share a wall and driveway with) to introduce ourselves.
Normally going to a 'quick' trip to the grocery store for baking ingredients and the dollar store for trays would take an hour at the most, considering both stores are less than 5 minutes away from where we live. However, I've officially gotten to the point in this pregnancy where I move like I'm 99 years old. It seems like I now get a braxton hicks contraction every twenty steps and I waddle like a penguin now that baby girl has dropped to what feels like my thighs. I can't just grab a basket because carrying weight causes contractions so I have to get a cart. Then I shuffle around the store for what feels like an eternity while I try to remember what I needed. I was nearly body checked out of the way by an older woman in the baking aisle because I took too long deciding which brand/size of marshmallows I wanted. By the time I checked out and waddled to the car I was absolutely exhausted. I had a short window to get the majority of the baking done before baby daddy and his partner showed up with dinner and to see the house so I was on my feet a lot more than I should have been today. I just ache now and wish someone would now ring my doorbell and offer me a massage. I'd ask Jules to rub my feet but the poor woman is exhausted from all the moving and unpacking. Maybe I'll just break in the bathtub upstairs instead. Yeah, that sounds good...
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