
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Still Waiting

It is amazing how many degrees of discomfort there actually can be in pregnancy.  There was the cramping very early on and then there was the all day and night sickness for four months and the not being able to get comfortable for what seemed like no reason then the round ligament pain and sciatica and then the heartburn and acid reflux and finally the swelling and general whale-like feeling with the inability to get comfortable AT ALL in bed.  Oh, I forgot to mention the 7 months of feeling like I'm just getting over a head cold.  I've gone through more tissues in the past 10 months than I have my entire life.

What is my point?  I've almost forgotten... Oh yeah, the reason I'm sitting here in front of the computer instead of being tucked into bed upstairs with my wife.  I'm so done with this pregnancy.  Between the acid reflux of death and not being able to get comfortable enough to sleep more than an hour or two at a time, I'm just so frustrated and down about everything right now.  Yes, I know baby will come when baby is ready to come.  I know this is my first time (eventually) giving birth.  I know that a lot of babies are born after their EDD.  I get that, I do.  But seriously, I would give a lot of things right now to be able to be semi comfortable right now and the only way I can see to get more comfortable would be to get rid of the huge watermelon (or is she now as big as a freakin' pumpkin?) that feels attached from my throat to my thighs.

The doctor says she's now probably nearly 9 lbs.  NINE pounds!  Oh my freakin' god.  This is the first time he's mentioned anything about her size other than to say she's measuring right on for weeks.  I think my pelvis shuttered at that news.  I know I did.

As of Wednesday I was 1/2 cm (he probably made that up to make me feel better) dilated and my cervix was 'getting softer'.  Wednesday and Thursday I had some promising back pain and a lot of cramping but by Friday that had all stopped.  I had a bit more last night but again, it went away.  I've been going down the list of usual things to try to move things along but so far no luck.  I'm kind of at the acceptance stage now... that eventually, at some point in 2013 I will have a baby exit my body in one way or another.  Until then, I'll continue to medicate for the acid reflux of doom and catch the odd nap throughout the day and walk the house and bounce on my ball and try to enjoy the fact that at least I'm not still working through all of this.


Shannon said...

Sorry you're feeling so crappy. I hope she comes soon!

Stacey said...

Sorry you're feeling lousy. It's hard at the end and you also have the emotions of wanting to finally meet your baby.

I did acupuncture for Jackson (he was 4 days late) and my water broke on the 2nd or 3rd treatment on the table...never know if that is what worked...

The ball and walking did nothing for me.

Angele made me eat a ton of pineapple (hate it) for Riley. LOL

Don't let their estimates get to you. Riley was 6 lbs 12 ounces and Jackson was 8 lbs 14.5 ounces. For Jackson they said I was measuring ahead and were so concerned with his size that they sent me to ultrasounds. They estimated 9 lbs before I even hit 40 weeks. The ultrasound also estimated around that size but could be wrong by a pound either way--yes, from 7 to 9 lbs if they say 8. With an ultrasound. So yeah, don't stress. With Jackson my placenta was HUGE so I think that's why I was measuring so large too.

I have a "generous pelvis" and pushing them out wasn't that bad. Maybe you'll find it easier than you think. Jackson was back labour and so that's what made it harder for me.

Shannon said...

Yeah, they were way off with Erik's size too, with a biophysical ultrasound. They said he was over 10 lbs 2 weeks before he was born. He was 9'5" at birth two weeks later.