Jules goes back to work on Wednesday.
We're at a loss as to how we're going to get through nights when she has to work the next day. Jules is able to survive on a lot less sleep than I can so she's been taking the largest part of the night with Emily. Emily will either sleep on her chest (which isn't a very restful sleep when a baby is snoring/breathing/sighing close to your face) or more recently (as in the last couple of nights) either in her bassinet beside her for very short periods of time or next to her in bed (with nothing near her that could smother her of course).
When I have her at night, she mainly sleeps in my arms (while I don't sleep) or on our recliner with blankets for up to an hour at a time (while I don't sleep because our couch is the most uncomfortable couch in the world).
She no longer likes to be swaddled. She screams the place down if she can't get her arms free.
She doesn't sleep for very long on her back; she prefers her side or stomach.
She sleeps a lot more during the day (and more soundly) than at night... no surprise there, I guess. I've read that a lot of babies are like that in the beginning.
She has started feeding more in the past couple of days and with more feedings came a LOT more pooping. Oh my goodness... There's nothing like poop sprayed on the wall!
We're still doing half breast feeding, half formula. My supply has increased a bit but I'm not breastfeeding her the eight times a day I was told to yet. I'm averaging 4-5 times right now. Honestly, if I get a chance to take a nap or sleep through a feeding at night, I'd rather do that than breastfeed right now. I'm still quite uncomfortable from the cesarean and between recovering from that and breastfeeding and doing things around the house, I'm worn out. :(
Jules is up from her nap now so I'm going to go snuggle up on the couch with my wife and baby while I try not to think about Wednesday.
1 comment:
She's so adorable. I wish I could come and snuggle her and help you guys out.
I slept with pillows next to me and my arm propped on those pillows holding Jackson. Eventually you can nurse while sleeping. Best thing ever (so much easier than waking in the night.)
I was nervous the first time Angele went back to work. You'll be a pro in no time.
I hope the sleep stuff gets sorted out soon. Do you keep the lights dark when she wakes at night so she learns that it's not day time?
It seems like you have what we had with Riley. It took a lot more effort to keep her happy and I still remember one night driving around in the fog trying to get her to sleep. She was not an easy baby in a lot of ways.
Oh I've slept in the glider many times with Riley and all I can say is OUCH THE NECK HURTS. lol
That's great that you're able to feed her 4-5 times. Way to go!!!!
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