I took my girlfriend to see Jann Arden in concert last night. God, I love her. She is such an amazing human being and funny as all hell... plus she sings/writes great songs as well. This is the third time I've seen her in concert and I think I decided last night that I will probably go see her every time she comes to town for the rest of her career. I've always been somewhat of a fan, since her Living Under June album came out when she became really popular in Canada, but it wasn't until I decided on a whim to go to her concert about 4 years ago that I really fell in love with her material and her personality. The woman is hilarious! But more than that, she's kind and inspiring and so giving to people in general.
About 3 years ago, I met Jann in person at a bookstore. She was there signing copies of her second book and there were so many people lined up to see her that it was easily an hour or more wait to finally get to the front of the line. I took my mother with me, who at the time barely knew who Jann Arden was.
I was really depressed at the time because my relationship with my ex-girlfriend was falling apart. At the time, I thought it was due to her being stressed out about working full-time and taking four classes at night, plus the fact that we were living quite a distance apart with no resolution in sight (it ended up being more than that). She is a huge Jann Arden fan, so I was going to get a book signed for her as well, but then I thought of something else as well. I bought a blank card I saw at the bookstore and thought about what I was going to say when I finally got to the front of the line.
At the front of the line, we were warned that we could only get one item per person signed and no pictures with Jann were allowed in order to keep the line moving and have everyone get a moment with her. I handed my mom one book and I had another plus the blank card. When we reached the table, my mom got the one book signed for me and I asked her to sign the book I had for my then girlfriend. I then asked her if she'd do something else for me. I quickly explained my situation, my relationship falling apart and my girlfriend and I separated by many miles and the stress on her (and me)... and I told her that her online journal entries always inspired me and she really had a way with words, so if she could write a small note on the card for my girlfriend that I'm sure it'd make a difference or at least make my girlfriend feel inspired. She kindly listened to me and then gave me a little pep talk while she wrote away on the card. Then took my hand, squeezed it and told me that things would work out the way they're supposed to in the end. I was choked up and nearly cried. When we left the store, my mom said, "That woman is amazing." My mom never says stuff like that about anything or anyone.
I really wish I had photocopied the note as a keepsake because it was really great, but instead, I went straight to the post office to mail it overnight to my girlfriend. Something told me that I needed to get the note to her ASAP. When we left the post office, my mom said what I thought was a strange thing for her to say, "You must really love her. I hope she doesn't break your heart."
Yeah, the very next day, before the note could get to her, she broke up with me.
I guess Jann was right... things will work out the way they're supposed to in the end.
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