I'm tired, despite having a three day weekend. I guess getting over a cold + emotional stress + cramps = exhaustion...
Friday, it poured rain all day. I did end up having lunch with my girlfriend near her work. She was having a bad work day, so she wasn't in the greatest of moods, but she made an effort to be pleasant. After lunch, I went and renewed my AMA membership and then went home to do a load of laundry. Around 6 pm, my girlfriend called on her way over to ask what I thought about going out that night with her and one of her co-workers who she discovered is bi-sexual. She had never had the chance to talk to the girl at work aside from smoke breaks and had suggested a night out sometime. I was happy that she wanted my opinion on it. I was even happier when she said it would be nice to have someone from work that she could hang out with that I could actually meet. Those aren't the exact words...she said it better, in a way that made me feel like our relationship might survive past this really rough patch.
So anyway, we took her bi co-worker to one of the gay bars and we played pool. Her co-worker and I hit it off really well... we chatted up a storm while my girlfriend was kicking other girls' asses at pool. It was nice to see my girlfriend laugh and joke and have a lot of fun. She's so cute when she's like that...sigh. Anyway, we were exhausted by the time we got home... I think Friday night was the best sleep I've had in a long time because I was so tired, I slept like the dead.
Saturday I dropped my car off at the dealership for some work and then we ended up shopping for about five hours. Jesus christ... talk about exhausting. She was looking for some stuff for her family, so we ended up going all over the place searching tons of stores. By the time we got home, I felt like going to bed, but it was only 7 pm. We watched The Guardian and then half of Clueless before going to bed. I didn't sleep as well last night... I was feeling down about our relationship. Same with this morning/today... feeling sad. It's very hard keeping it together sometimes when the person who's supposed to comfort you is the reason you need comforting in the first place.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow.
Today I'm grateful for:
* No backwards steps, I think...
* Following through on re-arranging my furniture. I like the change..
* No more rain for now
* My father who is quite the handyman... built an awesome deck in one day
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