
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Starting the weekend

Tonight is the beginning of my weekend. I decided to take tomorrow off in hope that I can sleep a little and recover from this cold. I know I'm run down from the stress in my life and I haven't been sleeping more than five or six hours a night.

Tomorrow I'm going to meet my girlfriend for lunch somewhere (she wants to wait until tomorrow to decide where). Hopefully that'll be a nice highlight of the day.

I'm still quite congested and keep having to clear my throat, which is making it sore. I'm hoping the cold meds will kick in soon and I can sleep.

Today I'm grateful for:

* Seeing my grandfather alive for another birthday
* My cat Molly who napped with me under the covers all snuggly and cute
* Cold medication
* Vacation days
* No steps backward today

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