Meanwhile, Jules is continuing to pack last minute things as she gears up for the move to our new house on Friday. I'm so lucky to have married someone who a) loves to pack, b) loves to move, and c) is fine with me not interfering with a or b.
Yesterday, after spending most of the day in bed, I got up to take a bath only to find the water scalding hot even on the coldest setting. This had happened to us a month or two ago so I knew what we were in for. Sure enough, I went down into the basement to find it flooding and the hot water tank spewing water out faster than the tiny drain could get rid of it. Luckily the stuff we still have down there was stacked in the far corner, the only area of the basement that wasn't covered in water. Long story short, the landlord sent the same plummer over from the last incident and this time he replaced the faulty heat sensor (last time they just decided to monitor it). The hot water tank is only three years old so it's a little concerning that the part needed to be replaced already but I guess sometimes things just don't last like they should. Once the plummer left this morning, I was able to run the dishwasher (yay clean dishes!) and a load of laundry (yay clean pajamas ) AND take a bath all with water warm enough for the tasks. What a luxury we haven't had since the stupid hot water tank did this the last time. The things you get used to...
Well, time to lay down again...
Ugh sorry you've been sick. It's not fun, especially while pregnant. I hope you start feeling great soon!
Monitor what? They should have replaced it last time. And yeah, it's annoying when new things don't last.
I saw your new house online. I google mapped it because I was nosey. But only the outside. All of the real estate pages only describe it or say it's already sold. I'm nosey like that.
Oh, the inside pictures are all gone off the real estate sites? I guess I'll have to make Jules upload the ones she has so I can post them for you to see. :)
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