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Friday, February 29, 2008

29 on the 29th... 30 next month

My books arrived from Amazon today. The New Essential Guide to Lesbian Conception, Pregnancy & Birth and Confessions of the Other Mother - Nonbiological Lesbian Moms tell all!

I met up with Jules at the downtown mall after work and she dragged me into various clothing stores while she tried on things for work. She decided this morning that she needed new trousers and blouses. We found some really nice things but then she wanted to go to Winners. Ugh... I HATE that store. The people working there are so rude and they have the strictest rules when it comes to trying on clothes or even looking at their cheap-looking jewelery. Jules went into the fitting room area with six articles of clothing. She thought she only had five though, so she told the woman she had five. The woman looked at her and said, "You have six!" in a really snotty tone. She, always a cheerful and patient person, said, "Oh, I'm sorry... yes, I must have mis-counted." The woman just gave her a dirty look and then escorted her to a room. I was looking for more trousers for her and went into the fitting room area to find her room to give them to her to try on but the woman wouldn't let me in unless I was going to try them on myself. I told her I didn't want to try them on, I just wanted to pass them to Jules. She said I had to wait outside the area until Jules came out. I stood there waiting what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only 10 minutes until Jules came out again. They practically grabbed the clothing she didn't want away from her before she could hand them off herself. Then, I handed her the trousers I wanted her to try on and she turned back to the fitting room but they practically yelled at her to stop because she needed a new number tag and she couldn't bring in the trousers she had already tried on back into the room. It was so stupid... I just wanted to leave after that. Jules had spotted some amber earrings that she really liked over at the jewelery counter on the way out (after she had tried on the other pair of trousers) and asked the woman there if she could see them. The woman took them out of the display case and put them on the counter, all the while holding on to them so Jules could not pick them up. Jules asked to see another pair she liked from the display case so she could choose between the two close up but the woman said she couldn't take out two pairs of earrings at once. What?! Jules explained that she wanted to choose between the two and to do that she needed to see them close together. Nope, couldn't do that. I was so ready to go home at this point but Jules patiently stood there and had the woman take each out in turn again and again until she decided. Finally she picked a pair and asked if she could pay for her trousers at the jewelery counter (because we couldn't take the earrings up to the front cashier). Nope, couldn't do that either... so we had to pay for the earrings first and then go up to the front and wait in line there. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ I was so glad when we were able to go home!!!

Actually, that's not true... we stopped at the liquor store first and bought a bottle of wine to celebrate the raise I received yesterday and the phone call she received today about her upcoming citizenship. :) Now we're at home and we're watching The Money Pit with Tom Hanks and Shelley Long to unwind. Ahhhh.... the weekend.


Stacey said...

I hate that store too. They really think people want to steal their crap? When Angele was trying on clothes once, I went back there to see how she was doing and they were like, "You need a number!" I said, "I don't have anything!" Apparently I was supposed to take a number 0. I was big and pregnant and obviously not trying on clothes! I just ignored them.

westmaple said...

LMAO! I know!