
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 22, 2009


holy frickin' freezing weather! overnight it went from -5C to -20C with -32C windchill and blowing snow. it was really fun trying to brush my car off with one hand. i can't wear my heavy winter coat right now because i can't get my hand through the sleeve, so i wore my spring coat today with one glove and my scarf wound around my neck. basically i looked awesome, lol.

work wasn't too bad, aside from my accidentally stapling my sleeve to a booklet of papers at one point. luckily the person who unstapled me later locked herself out of her own office and needed my key to get back in so i think my mishap is safe with her. ;)

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I don't know, locking yourself out is not as funny as stapling yourself to something. Hehehe.

We have the warm weather now. Our snow is melting and it's nice. Sorry we can't share it with you but take heed in knowing Angele goes all winter barely wearing a coat and she's still surviving winter. ;)