
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 1, 2009

How it gets done in Britain

 . . . the reason the people stopped charging Jennifer's account was because the conversation Jennifer mentions, went like this:

JULIE:  Hello??Hello?
TELEPERSON:  Weeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllll howdy!  And how's your day going M'am...hope it's going suuuuuuuupppper.....
JULIE:  (Monotone)  Well seeing as though your company is charging my Visa for things I do not even use, I would say it is not going so bloody super......M'am.  
TELEPERSON:  Ooooooooooooh, so sorry to hear that Mam, please give me your Visa number and we will right that wrong in one wonderful second
JULIE:  (Monotone but now with a little sass and 'British' edge) If you think I am one of those people who will now tell you such information then clearly you are not aware that I know how your scams work, and yes, while I may have inadvertendly signed up for something, I think we both know who is in the wrong here so I would suggest you look me up by my last name and initial only and we shall go from there shall we....and then you are going to tell me exactly which site you obtained this information . . . do I make myself abundantly clear . . . 
TELEPERSON:  Absoooooooolutely M'Am....how's the weather doing where you are...let me just one second....oh my....yes indeeeeedy....okay M'Am....

I did not blame Teleperson who likely can find no other employment and loathes it as much as we do, but the marvellous way she spoke to me was priceless.  I love how these companies suggest they are a huge, incredible places that are wonderful to work for (as they are working for YOU afterall...aHem) and yet really it is just four people in a shipping container in Montreal nipping out for ciggie breaks every 10 minutes and drinking way too much coffee....

One of the charges Jenn had could not be reached due to their..."Abundance of services our operators now work in our many departments...which you can find on our website" (or some such, which can not be found on their professional looking site).  You see, I have a website under construction (not for naughty purposes) and I know how darn easy it is to make one person look like 50. 

So yes.  There you have it.  Lesbian in shining armour, coming to my tender-heart's rescue with a clipped English accent and a slight case of PMT....if you care to have your Visa charged monthly I could do the same for all of you know...should you ever need it, which you never will....

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