
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 1, 2012


After not getting sick for nearly two years, my immune system has been totally flattened twice so far this year.  At the end of January I came down with a virus that started with laryngitis, morphed to a head cold and then had a nasty intestinal finish that had me off work for a week.  It was brutal. Now I've come down with a cold and I'm absolutely miserable while I wait and see if I'm for sure not pregnant.  I'd kill for some cold medication right about now... sigh.

Watching Grey's Anatomy right now... getting annoyed with Altman and her getting Yang to repeat what happened to Henry in the OR over and over again.


Stacey said...

I would take something. If you are pregnant, it is still really early and I don't think cold medicine can do anything. I drank alcohol in my two week waits that were successful. I figured it relaxed me and people drink and get pregnant all the time. The embryo takes 6-10 days to attach anyway.

westmaple said...

Yep, I ended up dosing up this morning. :)