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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Snowy Thursday

Okay, I'm not sure what happened to spring, but this is ridiculous!! It's been sleeting for two days now... ugh. I think we've had about 2 ft fall so far and it's still going strong. It's supposed to last for another three or four days. Hopefully it gets nice after this weekend!!

I went out for dinner with my girlfriend on a mid-week date. We had a really good time while watching the Pittsburgh/Ottawa game at a sports lounge. It was nice to go out and have some good conversation and laughs.

Tomorrow my girlfriend has her MRI appointment for her knee. I had no idea they had appointments as late as 8 pm, but apparently they do. Then again, it's good that they do, seeing how the wait for an MRI is about five months. Yay Canada... oh well, at least we don't have to pay the $700 for it.

I got my income tax return the other day so on Monday I'm taking my car in for a tune-up and oil change. It's way past due... I'm terrible at car maintenance. It's probably a good thing that I've never had a brand new car. I'd probably wreck it within a few years.

Today I'm grateful for:

* Mid-week dates
* Laughing with my girlfriend
* At least the rain/snow = less static!
* Tomorrow being Friday

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