
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Well now, let's see...

I was reading Stacey's latest update on 2 girls in love thinking to myself how lucky I am to live in a low humidity area of the country when I noticed that she tagged me for the 7 Things list going around the blogs where people share 7 random facts/habits about themselves and then tag other people to do the same. Alright, I'll give it a go...

1. I can hand write better with my left hand than I can with my right. I print better with my right hand than my left though, so I consider myself right handed. I golf and play other sports left-handed and could never learn the guitar properly in music class because I always wanted to hold it the 'other' way. Weird.

2. I have a terrible memory and am easily distracted. I can forget what I've done only hours ago. Post-It notes, To Do lists and spreadsheets (schedule to pay bills or they'd all be paid late)are a way of life for me, otherwise I'd never remember anything. This is why Stacey hasn't gotten the stuff I've had for over a year for her... I keep forgetting to go to the post office. I think my gift for Riley is probably too small for her now because I've waited so long. My co-worker suggested that I have adult ADD because I switch projects every ten minutes, dropping what I'm doing to work on something else. That could very well be the case. My girlfriend gets so frustrated with me when she tells me something and I don't hear her because I've turned away to look or listen to something else and I don't even realize I do it. "Did a butterfly just go by or something?" heh...

3. I am an organizing freak. I love storage cabinets, drawers, bins, tubs, shelves, hooks... whatever makes things look neat. Staples has to be my favourite store ever. My desks at work and home are neatly organized and if I can't find a place for something, it's either thrown away, given away, or something else goes in it's place. As for other people's stuff... well, that's their stuff and their problem, although I do have a bad habit of subtly straightening up my girlfriend's place but she always ends up noticing and gives me shit. Oh well... there are worse things a person could do, I think.

4. When something is broken or wrong, I NEED to fix it RIGHT NOW!!! I cannot stand to have something broken or missing or something and leave it to worry about later. When I'm sick, I'm immediately pumping myself full of vitamin C and echinacea (if it's a cold or flu) or researching what it could be and what I can do to help get better because it's pretty much a waste of time to go to the doctor for little things most of the time. I will search for something if it needs to be purchased to make something else I bought work or take whatever needs to be taken in to be repaired. And of course, this also makes the current situation with my girlfriend so hard for me to deal with. I want to fix it so bad... but there's nothing I can do, short of going to medical school to become a surgeon... or a psychiatrist. I hate feeling useless.

5. My thumbs are double jointed. Actually, they bend backward twice as far as they bend forward. Totally weird. It took me years to learn how to use a lighter...

6. I have a horrible fear of ladybugs, bees, spiders and putting my face in water. The ladybug one is the worst though. It started when I was five years old in my backyard... a ladybug landed on me and peed. That scarred me for life, lol. I remember the first time I went to Lilith Fair, the whole field had bees and ladybugs flying around. It was 30 degrees outside and I was wrapped in a tarp, terrified. I was never afraid of spiders until I was bit by one while sitting on a bench at a bus stop. I had this huge spider bite for weeks... and then six months later, the bump came back! It was so freaky. The water one is weird... I can be under water just fine, but I can't go face first unless I'm diving in. And I found out a few years ago that I can no longer go diving in the deep end of the pool because the pressure makes me get an instant nose bleed. What the hell is that about??

7. I'm kind of a
Club Pogo addict. Yeah, that's my computer game indulgence. I get my two badges per week and chat with some of my co-workers or friends or my girlfriend. My mom and grandmother are hardcore addicts. My grandmother loves playing bingo and gin on there. She'll call me at work sometimes to share when she's won a lot of tokens in a spin, lol. She likes that it gives her space from my grandfather who likes to just sit and watch tv and be grumpy.

I don't know 7 people to tag for this, but I guess I can try tagging Chantel at
and this is how it went... and Sandra at Sam's World and maybe Jen will update her deranged detour blog if she sees this (heh)...

1 comment:

jp said...

See how persuasive you can be? I updated!