
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

One Year Later...

Wow, I started this blog one year ago today. That's something of an achievement because many blogs are forgotten about by the author long before one year comes around. I feel a sense of commitment! ;)

I wish I could make my blog public again. To do that though, I'd probably have to change the name of it, the name I use, and remove all mention of my job. I'm thinking on that...

I've been really stressed out lately, mostly due to work but also due to the fact that I'm turning 30 in two weeks, I'm thinking about babies, my mom wants me to come out to my grandmother, Julie's parents arrive from England on my birthday for a week long visit..... the list goes on. This morning I was awake at 4 am thinking about all of these things and I just couldn't get back to sleep. I ended up feeling like a zombie by noon and could hardly drag my sorry ass home by 4:30 pm. I had a two hour nap that helped a lot but I think I could easily fall back asleep at any moment. I wish I could just chill out and relax. Ironically enough, I was looking back at last February's entries on my blog (all two of them) and it seemed I was having a similar problem with relaxation. Funny that...

Today I'm grateful for:

* Sleep
* Midol
* Kraft Dinner
* My girlfriend
* Change I asked for (and some I didn't...ack!)

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Well look at it this way, you will have to come out to grandma if you're going to have a kid. Something to think about: having a kid means you're out to EVERYBODY. Trust me on that. You go places with your kid and they will call you both mom. You have to sign your kid up for stuff and register as 2 moms. There is no closet for a lesbian with kids. ;)