
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I want my sweet baby back!

I want my little angel back!!

We brought home a baby who had minimal fussing periods throughout the day, who slept on our chest at night, who woke at regular intervals for feeding... Where that baby went, I don't know. :(

Since Sunday morning, little Emily has been really cranky.  Yesterday evening/night was insane... She was red as a lobster, screaming the place down.  Her zombie moms went through the list of things that could be bothering her and then some but to little avail.  I had to throw in the towel around 8 am due to pain around my cesarean incision and delirium from lack of sleep so my super hero wife took over and eventually got Emily sleeping around noon.  She's been out ever since!

Now before she wakes up, I better pump... 


Stacey said...

Have you tried Gripe Water? It worked wonders for our kids. We found Riley was harder to sooth than Jackson but she didn't breastfeed and was more alert/bored/easily over stimulated compared to him. Anyway, Gripe Water can help with gas that causes fussiness when nothing else works.

Honeymoon is over, eh? :(

Shannon said...

This reminds me of Ian! Started off so calm and lovely and then a couple of weeks in he lost it.

Gripe water does help if it's gas, as Stacey said. If she continues to cry like that, especially if she's arching her back or the crying is accompanying feeding or starts after feedings, you might want to check with the doctor if she has reflux. It's VERY common and both our kids had it. Easily fixed with meds and they outgrow it before age 1 usually.