
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 5, 2007

Monday Burn-out

I don't normally dread Monday morning. Monday is usally a light day for me at work, but with all of the added workload and stress... bleah. There isn't a day I enjoy at work. Maybe Friday afternoon. No, that's when I feel pressured to finish whatever I'm working on for the day by 4 pm when everyone is literally standing at the door waiting to go home. I think it's safe to say that I'm the only work-a-holic in the office.

I'm still waiting to find a good stress reliever (other than sex). I wish the weather would warm up again so I could go walking...

My boss brought in her month old son for us to see. God, I love babies. He threw up all over me and himself but it didn't really bother me (I had a lab coat on). They're so cuddly and cute and demand all of your attention. I've been thinking about kids a lot lately...sigh...

Today I'm grateful for:

* Getting to hold a cute little baby
* Being able to talk frankly with my co-worker about issues bothering me
* Almost finishing a project I was supposed to finish in January

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